Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Adjustable Beds are Stress Busters

by Emmanuel DeFreitas

Adjustable beds are stress busting wonder machines. Quite a statement to make until you sit back and examine precisely what stress is and how an adjustable bed can help you cope with it. The first thing to keep in mind is that there are millions of people who have absolutely no stress at all and have no need whatsoever for an adjustable bed. You can find many of them by visiting any cemetery. These people do not suffer from stress because they are all dead. You see, life and stress go hand in hand and the amount of stress you are under is a great indicator of exactly how alive you actually are.
We all need a certain amount of stress in our lives in order to function normally. Stress is a form of natural conditioning from way back in the days of old when an adjustable bed meant moving rocks and boulders around and our primary daily concern was evading predators that wanted to eat us. There is little that I can think of that would elicit the natural fight or flight reaction than coming face to face with a hungry pack of lions. Like our ancestors, today's stress factors make our heartbeat speed up, our blood pressure increase and our breathing quicken.
Most modern day stresses, however, do not call for either fight or flight. In the world of today, the scariest thing we will probably ever come across will be an angry, demanding boss or an overzealous tax collector. Our experience of stress is generally related to how we respond to an event, not to the event itself. When you feel out of control or under intense pressure, you may experience the physical, emotional, or relational symptoms brought on by negative stress. Anything we can do to alleviate negative stress will greatly improve our lives.
Adjustable beds are crafted in such a way as to lighten the aftermath of stressful, everyday situations. After a hard day, all you need to do is just lie down in an adjustable bed let the built in features pamper your body and mind back to normal. Adjust the head and foot levels using the remote control to the most comfortable position for your body. If you have no other feature on your adjustable bed, the sense of comfort you will experience by doing this alone should make you feel like a different person.
If your adjustable bed is equipped with heat and massage units, you are fortunate enough to be in a position to blow your stress back to the Stone Age. Turn on the vibrating feature on your adjustable bed and you have thousands of tiny, invisible fingers kneading away any tension built up over the day. Many adjustable beds have auto shut off motors that will turn off the vibrations after a set time, just in case you get too comfortable and fall asleep before you really wanted to. However, if your day was especially stressful, and you need a little more help to unwind, turn on your heat unit on the adjustable bed to add an additional level of mind-numbing comfort.
The massage unit on adjustable beds, or perhaps I should use the term electric adjustable beds, can also save you a lot of money over the course of the year. It could get rather expensive if you were the type of person who would go to the local spa for a full body massage whenever you needed to unwind. With an electric adjustable bed, you never have to book an appointment and it is always ready to administer that massage you need, whenever you need it. Sorry Inga, I really don't want to take business away from you. I am just telling it as I see it.
The best thing we can do to help us cope and prepare for the stresses of modern times is to get good nights sleep. Once again an electric adjustable bed is the perfect instrument for providing an environment conducive to safe, long lasting, re-energizing, stress relieving sleep. An adjustable bed is the perfect antidote to that poor sleep robbing excuse for a bed many people spend one third of their lives in at night. After a good night sleep on an adjustable bed you will feel sharper both mentally and physically providing you with the ammunition you will need to get you through the day.
In conclusion, I would like to re-iterate that stress is an everyday sign that we are alive and doing the best we can. The only thing that I can recommend is not carrying harmful stress levels with us longer than we have to. Get the best adjustable bed you can afford and boot your stress levels as far away from you as possible. If you need an added giggle to help, just imagine our cave man ancestor adjusting the boulders and rocks for the first adjustable bed in history. We have come a long way.
About the Author
Emmanuel DeFreitas is the administrator for Adjustable Bed Center providing detailed information on electric, medical, cheap, and used adjustable beds, as well as adjustable airbeds and adjustable bed reviews. http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com

Thanks to Emmanuel DeFreitas for this article.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Adjustable Beds to Relieve Your Back Pain

by Emmanuel DeFreitas

Adjustable beds by their very existence as mechanical marvels of design and function are perfectly adapted to alleviate many different symptoms associated with varied conditions that lead to back pain. If you suffer from lower back pain, your condition may be the result of a multitude of causes, many of which the sufferer has no clue as to how they got them in the first place.
The causes associated with back pain include muscle spasm or sprains, ligament sprains, joint problems or a slipped disk. Actual physical disability from instances such as work related accidents are another well-known cause of back pain. In all these instances, an adjustable bed can help alleviate your sore aching back. Why can an adjustable bed help you? You do not have to take my word for it. I am not a medical expert. But I do know how to quote them.
Through my research, I have found that medical experts advise that the best way to ease back pain is to position yourself with your back on the floor, with pillows under your knees, hips and knees bent, with your feet raised on a chair. Now imagine yourself in that position. Looks rather awkward, doesn't it. Can you imagine doing this every time your back begins to act up? Now imagine yourself, if you can, in an adjustable bed perfectly aligned to provide the same comforting relief. Looks a lot better on an adjustable bed than on the floor, doesn't it
There are other tips from medical advisors on relieving back pain. Heating pads are recommended to relax painful muscle spasms and medications such as Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin, Orudis and Tylenol, also reduce pain and swelling. Once again, an adjustable bed can help you!
Some adjustable beds, more notably electric adjustable beds, come equipped with soothing heating units built in. Some electric adjustable beds even have a vibrating feature to massage away that nagging sore back. As far as any relief you may get from taking medications, the adjustable bed manufacturers haven't come up with anything to replace them yet. You will just have to place them on your night table next to your adjustable bed.
Adjustable beds come in a multitude of different shapes and sizes, models and types to fit most any budget. There are basic, hand operated adjustable beds, basic electric adjustable beds that elevate and configure themselves at the push of a button on a remote control unit, to the top of the line, everything you could ever want in an adjustable bed, electric adjustable bed. This type of electric adjustable bed will have all the bells and whistles and awe inspiring electronic gizmos, but will also carry a hefty price tag. But if you can afford it, go for it. After all, it's your back that's hurting.
For more serious back conditions as in the case of a person with a debilitating physical impairment, getting a hospital adjustable bed would be advisable. These adjustable beds are constructed far more sturdily in order to continual use in an acute care situation. If you find that an adjustable bed is just a little too pricy for you, there is an alternative and I don't mean lying on the floor with your feet propped up on a chair.
If the price of the adjustable beds you like is out of your reach, you can always look for a good, used, cheap adjustable bed. I wont go into the details of how to get your hands on one of these cheap adjustable beds, other than to say that there are articles available that go into the specifics. Getting a good, used adjustable bed at a good price is not as hard as you may think.
One thing to remember, regardless of which adjustable bed you finally decide to buy, you will need a new adjustable bed mattress to go along with it. A mattress from an average flat bed will not fit or function properly on an adjustable bed. Just as with adjustable beds, there are varying degrees of quality, materials and prices associated with adjustable bed mattresses.
So, in closing, I say, let the shopping begin. You'll only have your back to thank you, but it will be well worth it.
About the Author
Emmanuel DeFreitas is the administrator for Adjustable Bed Center providing detailed information on electric, medical, cheap, and used adjustable beds, as well as adjustable airbeds and adjustable bed reviews. http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com

Thanks to Emmanuel DeFreitas for this article.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Adjustable Beds--Sleep Pain Free and Get Money Back Too!!

by Emmanuel DeFreitas

Adjustable beds can be configured to alter their shape in order to alleviate pain attributed to certain medical conditions and ailments. They can be adjusted to maximize the most comfortable sleeping position, thus permitting the user to fall asleep much more quickly and have a longer period of pain free sleep.
In case you did not know, adjustable beds may qualify for a medical deduction. Physicians prescribe the use of an adjustable bed for a number of physical ailments and conditions. Check with your physician or health care professional to ascertain if you may qualify for a deduction on the purchase of your new adjustable bed. Less pain, better sleep, and money back are an extremely attractive combination.
Adjustable beds are generally prescribed for individuals who suffer from acid reflux, debilitating back pain, hiatal hernias, sleep apnea and many work related injuries. In the event that either you or your loved one happens to have a problem with snoring, you will be ecstatic to know that an adjustable bed can alleviate or eliminate the problem.
If you or a loved one have had the misfortune of suffering a stroke, have multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy or any other physical condition that restricts the ability to move unimpeded, an adjustable bed can improve ones mobility. Adjustable beds can be positioned to assist in sitting up, watching television, eating, drinking, reading, writing etc... etc.
Acid reflux is a particularly annoying condition, particularly during sleep that allows stomach acid to back up into the esophageal area causing discomfort that ranges from mild to extreme, depending on the individual. An adjustable bed can alleviate acid reflux by allowing the individual to elevate their head. Sinus conditions are another physical condition that can made much more bearable by simply raising the head section of the bed.
If you suffer from edema or swelling of the legs, an adjustable bed can be positioned to elevate the legs and facilitate the flow of blood by letting gravity assist in doing the work. Any sufferer of a circulatory condition or back pain can probably feel some comfort in the folds of an adjustable bed. Some models even have heat and vibrating features to soothe away minor or major aches and pains. I would have these features on all the time!
The content provided in this article is strictly for information purposes only and is not intended or designed to provide medical advice. If you have a medical condition, I am sure everybody and his mother can give you free medical advice. If you have any medical questions that this article may have triggered, please consult your doctor or health care professional.
If it is determined that you qualify for a tax deduction on the purchase of a new adjustable bed, your next step is to have a little chat with your accountant or tax expert. You will then be in a position to use the shopping resources available at http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com to find the right adjustable bed at the right price. Then, hopefully, all you have to do is lie down and enjoy true comfort and all the healthy benefits of your new adjustable bed.
About the Author
Emmanuel DeFreitas is the administrator for Adjustable Bed Center providing detailed information on electric, medical, cheap, and used adjustable beds, as well as adjustable airbeds and adjustable bed reviews. http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com

Thanks to Emmanuel DeFreitas for this article.

Friday, July 27, 2007

What is Edema and Can Adjustable Beds Really Help?

by Emmanuel DeFreitas

There have been quite a few articles written about how an adjustable bed can assist with the symptoms of an affliction called edema. I have not seen, in any of these articles, any mention of exactly what edema is and how an adjustable bed can possibly help. Most articles I have researched on the subject only make a general and vague connection between the disease and the bed. This article is intended to clarify both shortcomings and shed a little light on a possible easing of someone's ailment.
Edema is the medical term used to describe an accumulation of fluid between cells in the soft tissue of the body. Edema can develop in any part of your body. The fundamental cause may be much more serious than the accumulation of fluids. Often times, edema is an early warning sign for a much more intense illness such as: Cirrhosis of the liver - Diabetes - Vena Cava Syndrome - Allergies - Infection - AIDS.
The symptoms of edema include redness, heat and tenderness in the affected area. There may be swelling and fluid in an individual arm, ankle, leg, abdomen or in your fingers. You may have puffiness in your face or around your eyes or notice that your shoes never seem to fit like they used to. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your physician.
Swelling involves the enlargement of organs, skin, or other body structures. It is caused by excessive buildup of fluid in the tissues. This buildup can lead to a rapid increase in weight over a short period of time. This weight gain can occur within a few days to a few weeks. Swelling can occur throughout the body (generalized) or it may be limited to a specific part of the body (localized).
Localized swelling can include: Ankle, feet, and leg swelling - Swollen gums - Swollen glands - Facial swelling - Swelling in the abdomen - Scrotal swelling - Joint swelling - Breast enlargement. Slight edema of the lower legs is a common occurrence in the warm summer months, especially if a person has been standing or walking more than usual.
Generalized swelling, or massive edema (anasarca), is a common sign in severely ill people. Although slight edema may be difficult to detect, especially in an overweight person, massive edema is very obvious as swelling takes on absurd proportions. Edema can be an indication of a chronic and progressive medical illness.
Edema may be generally described in one of two ways: Pitting edema -- When you press a finger against a swollen area for 5 seconds and then quickly remove it, an indentation is left that fills slowly. Nonpitting edema -- When you press a finger against a swollen area for 5 seconds and then quickly remove it, no indentation is left in the skin.
Common Causes of edema include: Too much salt or sodium intake - Burns - Sunburn - Malnutrition - Too little albumin in the blood (hypoalbuminemia) - Pregnancy - Nephrotic syndrome - Chronic kidney disease - Heart failure - Thyroid disease - Liver failure from cirrhosis - Acute glomerulonephritis - Nephrotic syndrome - Certain Drugs ( Androgenic and anabolic steroids, Antihypertensives, Corticosteroids such as prednisone (causes sodium retention), Estrogens, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Calcium channel blockers)
One of the main options recommended by medical experts for easing localized swelling and prevent skin breakdown from chronic edema, is the use of a pressure reducing mattress and to keep your limbs elevated above the level of your heart when you lie down. That is what an adjustable bed is specifically built to do. The link between an adjustable bed and edema is justified due to it's functionality.
You could try to prop pillows and other soft materials under yourself but with an electric adjustable bed you will be able to effortlessly position your body to attain an optimal comfort and swelling-reducing level. Just pick up your remote control unit and push the buttons! If you or a loved one suffers from edema and are considering the purchase of an adjustable bed, I hope you find this article useful. An old Portuguese saying , roughly translated, says it all "Whomsoever has health, has it all!"
About the Author
Emmanuel DeFreitas is the administrator for Adjustable Bed Center providing detailed information on electric, medical, cheap, and used adjustable beds, as well as adjustable airbeds and adjustable bed reviews.http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com

Thanks to Emmanuel DeFreitas for this article.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Advantages of Adjustable Beds

by Allen Wicker

You may have noticed that adjustable beds are an extremely popular products these days. They all are over television and can be found throughout high end furniture stores. There are several advantages of adjustable beds and that is why so many people have bought adjustable beds and now are sleeping better then they ever have before. One advantage is the firmness of an adjustable bed can be adjusted. This means that if your comfort level changes or you suffer an injury you can easily adjust the beds to fit your specific needs. Mattress firmness is directly related to how comfortable you will be in bed. Many people mistake softness with comfort. This may be true for sweaters and teddy bears but not for beds of any kind.
Advantages of adjustable beds also include the ability to sit at incline with the press of a button. This is wonderful for people who want to watch tv in bed but can not on a tradition mattress. It used to be that only hospitals and nursing homes utilized the advantages of adjustable beds. Most new adjustable beds even come with a top layer of foam which makes the bed even more comfortable to fall asleep on.
Sleep is the most important part of your day. We often overlook the role importance plays in our general wellness, ability to fight off illness, and even our personalities. Enjoy all the advantages of adjustable beds and find the sleep you were looking for.
About the Author
Learn more about how adjustable beds can help you get a better night's sleep and possibly aid in back problems. Take a look at http://www.free-adjustable-beds-buyersguide.com. It's a treasure trove of tips and information that'll give you the information you need to make the right buying decision. Copyright Free-Adjustable-Beds-BuyersGuide.com 2006.

Thanks to Allen Wicker for this article.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Interesting Facts About Electric Adjustable Beds

by Allen Wicker

Unless you've been under a rock the last several years, you have certainly seen commercials or read reviews of electric adjustable beds. You may be wondering what these beds are, how they work, and if they really do provide the high quality sleep that you have heard about. This article will explain a few of the basics of electric adjustable beds.
Electric adjustable beds are not the typical mattress and box springs set up that many of us currently sleep on. Instead of using solid materials, electric adjustable beds are filled with air. Instead of springs, electric adjustable beds have many separate pockets that are filled with air. Since there are no mechanical parts, electric adjustable beds can conform perfectly to the shape of your body, providing all the support you need to get a restful night of sleep.
Electric adjustable beds can have their firmness adjusted on the fly just by pushing a few buttons. Electric adjustable beds have a self contained pumping apparatus that can add or remove air from the bed so that the firmness can be set to any level that the sleeper desires. This is a great advantage over mattress and box springs beds, which are by their very nature non adjustable.
Some of the top of the line electric adjustable airbeds feature separate controls for each side of the bed. This means that partners can set the firmness on their side of the bed to the setting that suits them best. There is no need to compromise on comfort when using electric adjustable beds.

About the Author
Learn more about how air beds can help you get a better night's sleep and possibly aid in back problems. Take a look at http://www.free-adjustable-beds-buyersguide.com/simmons-adjustable-beds.html It's a treasure trove of tips and information that'll give you the information you need to make the right buying decision. Copyright Free-Airbed-BuyersGuide.com 2006.

Thanks to Allen Wicker for this article.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Understanding Adjustable Beds

by Nicole Martins

Anyone looking online to buy an adjustable bed knows that trying to gather information to get a clear picture (does one buy an electric adjustable bed frame separately? what mattress to buy? who to buy from? how to compare brands? etc.) of what best suits them, is next to impossible.
With so much competition in the bedding industry there is a striking advantage for retailers to keep up the confusion; however, for the soon to be bed buyer, a lack of information means a poorly informed buying decision and potentially, an unsatisfactory purchasing experience.
Providing an informative overview of the industry, Bedutopia.com demystifies and offers a better understanding of adjustable beds. Readers will learn about the technology behind adjustable bedding parts, mattress types that are compatible with adjustable electric frames as well as information on the leading bed brands. This site provides focused information on this topic which will continue to grow to include both the health benefits and lifestyle choices associated with the sleeping on an adjustable bed. Bedutopia compiles information by interviewing the manufacturers and resellers direct. Planned additions to the site include informative videos, diagrams and charts.
About the Author
If you would like more information on understanding adjustable beds please visit: http://www.bedutopia.com to read the complete report.

Thanks to Nicole Martins for this article.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Adjustable Beds Promote Natural, Comfortable Sleep

by Ben Franklin

What are the advantages of an adjustable sleep bed over a normal one? The answers are multiple. You know, for every problem there's also a solution. That's what an adjustable sleep bed offers for people who suffer from different conditions or for those who want to prevent those conditions from ever happening.
Did it ever happen to you not to be able to sleep at night? The best guess is that it happened because of your bed. When you are not able to fall asleep, you keep turning around from one side to another, on your back or on your belly. That's because your body tries to avoid pressure points which reduce the blood flow and cause you discomfort.
Moreover, the traditional bed mattresses are flat, and guess what? That's in contradiction with your spinal alignment. A lot of the traditional back illnesses are made worse by the traditional beds and mattresses.
So what's the most natural and comfortable sleeping position? You will probably be a little bit surprised to find out that it's not at all the traditional one in which a normal bed would make you sleep. The head should be elevated just a little bit, thus allowing for easier breathing. Even more important seems to be the knees position, which must be slightly bent over the heart's level. Now this is the natural sleeping position and you might find it a little strange.
But that's the purpose of an adjustable sleep bed, to enable you to sleep in a natural, comfortable position. One of today's most important concerns seems to be the health issue, and that only seems normal. Eating natural products, practicing sports and other healthy things seem to be more and more on every person's agenda.
An adjustable sleep bed could also be the answer towards avoiding different consequences of unnatural sleeping positions. For example, did you know that back problems, snoring, shoulder pains, breathing problems, gastric reflux, blood circulation problems, and arthritis could all be the consequences of unhealthy sleeping habits? In the long run, these could even get aggravated and offer you some very unpleasant surprises. And it's far better to prevent than to treat.
So what does an adjustable sleep bed actually offer? Well, it can be best defined as a personalized mattress. Yes, that's right, because you have an adjustable base and a mattress. The mattress needs to perfectly fit over the sleep base. Sleep bases are not all the same, they come in different shapes, sizes and adjusting positions. One thing is certain though. They are far more recommendable than traditional beds.
Now, everything I told you may come as a surprise to some and be old news to others. One thing is clear though: the traditional bed is hardly the best option for sleeping. You know, some may say, Oh, it doesn't really matter, it's just sleeping, it's not important. This is very wrong.
Just think about it. A normal adult person has to sleep about 8 hours a day. Depending on each person's constitution, it may also be seven or nine hours a day, but certainly not less than seven. So you will agree with me that every person has to spend a third of his or her life sleeping. To me, it sounds very much. We all could do better things with that time, but it's a necessity that we can't be deprived of or else we couldn't function normally. So, if this is the case, why neglect the way in which we live 33 percent of our lives? Why sleep in a traditional bed when we can sleep in a far more health-oriented adjustable sleep bed?
About the Author
Premier Adjustable Bed Resource
Adjustable beds.
Electrical adjustable bed informationElectrical adjustable beds.

Thanks to Ben Franklin for this article.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Electric Adjustable Beds Ease of Use and Good for Your Health Too

by Brian Queenan

With a touch of a button you can move the position that you lay in. These positions include the head, neck, shoulders, upper and lower back, hips, thighs, legs and feet can be positioned to increase the user's level of comfort.
This is an excellent feature because the user does not have to get out of bed to adjust the bed to the desired position. This is especially important for people who may have a problem getting in and out of bed.
While electric adjustable beds are great for people who have trouble getting in out of bed such as the elderly, an electric adjustable bed is a great investment for anyone who wants to simply get a better night's sleep.
Electric Adjustable Beds has two main parts, the base and the mattress. The main features should always be taken into consideration before deciding which one is the best fit for you. Because electric adjustable beds come in many different styles and sizes there is sure to be one that you will find to your liking and will fill whatever needs that you may have.
Many electric adjustable beds come with a massage feature that can be programmed for your comfort level.
An electric adjustable bed allows you to adjust the bed so that you can watch TV or read in a more natural and more comfortable position.
After sleeping on an electric adjustable bed for just one night you will never go back to sleeping on a conventional flat bed again
An adjustable or electric adjustable bed could be just what the doctor ordered.
If you have poor circulation, sleeping on a conventional flat bed will only make it worse. If your legs swell after being on your feet for a period of time chances are it's because of poor blood flow to your legs and feet.
Poor blood circulation is not something to take lightly as it can lead to blood clotting and if those blood clots move to your heart lungs or even your brain you could end up with a life threatening situation.
When you sleep your blood does not circulate through your body as efficiently as it does when you are up and moving around. Sleeping can be a very dangerous thing for people who have poor blood circulation because that's when blood clots are more likely to form.
For a person with poor blood circulation in their legs and feet elevating them both can help alleviate the pain and swelling. Most people use pillows to prop their feet up to help with the pain and swelling. The problem with this method is that your legs and feet are confined to a small area (i.e. the pillows). During sleep we all move around and chances are that when you wake up your feet will no longer be propped up on the pillows.
With an adjustable or an electric adjustable bed you don't have this problem. You raise the end of the bed and your feet will be propped up. No matter how much you move or what position you end up in your legs and feet will still be propped up when you wake in the morning.
If you have poor circulation and pillows aren't getting the job done an adjustable or electric adjustable bed could be just what the doctor ordered.
About the Author
Brian Queenan is the owner of several websites including an adjustable bed site that offers a full line of adjustable and electric adjustable beds at very competitive prices.

Thanks to Brian Queenan and GoArticles for this article.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Adjustable Beds Don't Have To Be Ugly.

by David Bellamy is a consultant with http://www.nursinghomebeds.co.uk

Adjustable Beds Don't Have To Be Ugly.
The decision to look after an elderly or disabled relative at home is one that is never taken lightly. Very few people have the training that, say, a geriatric nurse has. Nor do they have the equipment that makes the daily routine of caring for someone less burdensome and safer.
Nowadays, however, there are many suppliers that offer at affordable prices the kind of equipment previously only seen in nursing homes. There are now electrically adjustable beds that are elegantly designed and suitable for use in any home.
These types of beds go much further than a normal adjustable bed that simply raises the back and knee rests for reading. They are specifically designed for people that are obliged to spend long periods in bed and that may have mobility difficulties. As well as being able to adjust the back and upper leg rests, they usually offer variable height, lower leg rest adjustments, as well as front and rear tilt functions.
These additional features are very important. If you are responsible for the care of someone who is bed bound, or has reduced mobility, you will need to able to help them change position frequently and easily.
Bed bound individuals will typically suffer from poor circulation which can lead to swelling from fluid retention, pain and even blood clots. They can also suffer from pressure sores and ulcers. These come about when a person remains in the same position for too long, the pressure on the points of contact obstructs blood flow, and causes tissue to break down. Other complications such as contractures, constipation and urinary tract infections may arise from reduced mobility.
To avoid these problems, people with mobility problems should have their position changed at least every two hours. Choosing the right bed is therefore fundamental, and a minor investment in the individual's health and comfort.
It is also an investment in your health and safety as a carer. Without proper training in lifting and moving patients, back injuries and strains are a real danger. A fully adjustable bed will reduce the risk of injury and make heavy work somewhat lighter. If mobility is seriously restricted, you might want to consider lifting equipment that will aid transfers from bed to wheelchair or from wheelchair to bath.
With an aging population, and increasing numbers of people being cared for in the home, manufacturers have taken note of the need for good equipment that is both affordable and attractive. That makes caring for someone at home just that little bit easier.
About the Author
David Bellamy is a consultant with http://www.nursinghomebeds.co.uk

Thanks to David Bellamy is a consultant with http://www.nursinghomebeds.co.uk and GoArticles for this article.